Management & Booking
ensemble minui
The love of detail, the irrepressible joy of orchestral sound splendor as well as the multifaceted chamber music perspective on well-known works of orchestral and operatic literature are the driving forces of ensemble minui.
Situated between chamber music and orchestra, the ensemble, consisting of five string and four wind players, has dedicated itself to the musical possibilities for large chamber music ensembles with elegance and finesse since its founding in 2016.
In the beginning, the program consisted primarily of reductions of large orchestral works, but gradually opera music became the great passion of ensemble minuii.
The sophisticated arrangements of clarinettist Stefan Potzmann are the starting point. They "[...] lack nothing of the drama and density of the original works" (Michael Gmasz, Radio Klassik Stephansdom 03/2020).
Already the debut CD with the appropriate title "ACT I" was nominated in several categories for the German Opus Klassik 2020. Ö1 as well as Radio Klassik Stephansdom and rbb Berlin presented the recording as "CD of the week".
Homogeneous and well-balanced, the nine versatile orchestral musicians offer previously unheard and differentiated perspectives on large-scale opera and orchestral works - reduced to what is essential for them: the music!

© Severin Koller
No shows booked at the moment.
Sie machen süchtig nach mehr von diesen wundervoll musizierten Adaptionen.
Das Opernglas - 12/2023
Sensational debut at the Liszt Festival Raiding. A superlative.
Johannes Kutrowatz - Liszt Festival Raiding (26.6.2022)
Rainer Baumgärtner - rbbKultur (9.3.2020)
Opera without singing, purely instrumental? Works well, when the music is felt through so singably, so spiritedly [...]. And behold - everything seems more transparent and closer in the reduced instrumentation than in the usual orchestral fullness."
Otto Paul Burkhardt - AUDIO (10/2021)
The ensemble minui reduces complex opera scores of the time around 1900 to nonet dimensions and surprises even experts with it: There one hears music of Puccini, Dvořák and Strauss completely new.
But thanks to clarinetist Stefan Potzmann's original arrangements, even an absolut Stauss- and Puccini-affine opera habitué gains an astonishing array of new insights into old familiar scores."
Wilhelm Sinkovicz - Die Presse (22.01.2020)
Stefan Potzmann's arrangements lack nothing of the drama and density of the original works, and the ensemble's sound is extremely homogeneous.
The result is a truly exciting, tonally balanced and musically rousing debut, in which the individual musicians can demonstrate their qualities as chamber music partners but also as soloists. And like in a good opera, after act one and a short intermission, one can already look forward to the following act!
Michael Gmasz - Radio Klassik Stephansdom (7.3.2020)
Der Opernfreund
ensemble minui | TATORT.OPER | Tour 2024
Tatort.Oper [ein kriminalistischer Opernabend] TOUR 2024 Neben packender Musik beinhalten Opern oft ein weiteres verbindendes Element: … das Verbrechen. So …
packende Geschichten & berührende Melodien
Musikalische Erzählungen für Erwachsene & Programme für Kinder connecting the dots … between genres – getreu diesem Motto der musikalischen Grenzenlosigkeit …
Musikalische Erzählungen – erzählende Musik
… das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar … connecting the dots … between genres – getreu diesem Motto der …
ensemble minui | Einladung Sommerkonzerte
SOMMER KONZERTE Das ensemble minui blickt auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2022 zurück: Neben sensationellen Debuts beim Liszt Festival Raiding (Intendant …
Unsere Programme für Sommer 2024
Innovation | Spielfreude | Begeisterung connecting the dots … between genres – getreu diesem Motto der musikalischen Grenzenlosigkeit versammeln wir …
Tatort Oper | ensemble minui | neues Programm mit Christina Scherrer
Tatort Oper [ein kriminalistischer Opernabend] Neben der packenden Musik gibt es in Opern oft ein weiteres verbindendes Element: … das …
ensemble minui – „Liebeserklärung an die Oper“ (Ö1)
Kaum ist „ACT II“, ensemble minui’s zweite CD mit Arrangements von Puccini’s La Boheme, Tschaikowski‘s Eugen Onegin und Strauss‘ Elektra, …
ensemble minui bei Roadmap Entertainment
ensemble minui | neue Einblicke in altvertraute Opernpartituren | weniger ist mehr Wir freuen uns den jüngsten Zugang zu unserer …
©Isabella Hewlett/ORF RadioKulturhaus
Tatort Oper
In the new program Tatort Oper [a criminal opera evening] the nine musicians, together with the actress Christina Scherrer, again take you into the world of opera. But the characters of the various works suddenly make themselves independent and interweave with each other. They knit an opera-spanning story about love, lust, revenge, murder and jealousy.
Strauss: Elektra Suite, Der Rosenkavalier | Tschaikowski: Eugen Onegin | Puccini: La Boheme, Tosca | Dvořák: Rusalka
© Lex Karelly
After the great success of their debut CD "ACT I", ensemble minui raises the curtain on the sequel: ACT II also features minimized opera music - reduced in both length and size. The musical cross-sections allow listeners an unclouded view of the music of the three masterpieces.
Strauss: Elektra Suite | Tschaikowski: Eugen Onegin Suite, Russischer Tanz aus Schwanensee | Puccini: La Boheme Suite

© Lex Karelly
The Weimar Connection
The reductions of great symphonic works by ensemble minui cause enormous enthusiasm both among the audience and the organizers. Besonders hervorgehoben werden stets die Bearbeitungen großer Opernwerke. For this reason, it goes without saying that the program The Weimar Connection will feature just these.
Liszt: Orpheus, Sinfonische Dichtung Nr. 4 | Wagner: Siegfried Idyll, Vorspiel zu Tristan und Isolde | Strauss: Elektra Suite, Rosenkavalier Suite

© Lex Karelly
As in any good opera, the first act should make you want more. This claim is fulfilled by ACT I, the first concert program of ensemble minui, which focuses exclusively on the reduction of opera music and opens up new musical facets of the works presented.
Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier | Puccini: Tosca | Dvořák: Rusalka
Jascha Geber
- jascha(at)
- +43 660 570 2868
Florian Dittrich
- florian(at)
- +43 664 4503614